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Chiropractic Massage Physiotherapy

Callingwood Chiropractic

chiropractic chiropractor

About Callingwood Chiropractic

Callingwood Chiropractic Centre was established in 2000. At Callingwood Chiropractic, Dr. RODEL SICAT is proud to utilize state-of-the-art technology and treatments combined with time- and patient-proven techniques that work in tandem to locate and treat pain conditions so that the best healing and preventive therapies can be applied.

In addition to the neurological and orthopedic deductions your doctor can make performing a physical exam and discussing with you your health and physical history, he may suggest taking a diagnostic image, such as an X-ray, to help pinpoint the problem and provide guidelines for the most effective treatments. We treat each patient as an individual and perform the appropriate tests only when warranted. Dr. RODEL SICAT at Callingwood Chiropractic is experienced and licensed in interpreting diagnostic and other lab results, so you are welcome to provide for his review any tests your MD may have prescribed.


During any traumatic event and subsequent injury, the body needs to stay in alignment and maintain the best possible environment for healing. Chiropractic Rehabilitation will keep your joints in alignment during the rehabilitation of any traumatic injury to improve healing time, reduce residual symp…

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Chiropractic is a regulated and accepted form of treatment by a Doctor of Chiropractic, a health professional with many years of study and education, of keeping your structural system and nervous system, optimal so that your body, health, and mental well being can be at its’ physical and mental best…

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Chiropractic treatment for women who are pregnant is very safe and effective. There are many changes to a woman’s body when she is pregnant. Ligaments become more elastic, muscles compensate due to the ever-growing needs of the baby, and the woman’s center of gravity moves forward away from centre t…

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What is Chiropractic

Chiropractic encompasses a range of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore your overall health. Specifically, Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that diagnoses, treats, and helps prevent disorders and conditions related to spine, nervous system and musculoskeletal system.

Over 80% of all Albertans will experience some form of low back pain. Due to Alberta Chiropractors, over one million Albertans will benefit from seeing a Chiropractor on a yearly basis. Doctors of Chiropractic are educated Doctors that have been specifically trained to diagnose, treat and help maintain health-related conditions of the neck, back, and in many cases, sports injuries as well as the rehabilitation of all neuromuscular injuries.

Regular adjustments will also help preventatively by maintaining the integrity of the biomechanics and function of your spine and joints to reduce the rate of arthritis, help with the speed of healing through decreased recovery time, and reduce symptomatic pain on an ongoing basis.

Patients of Chiropractic achieve relief from pain and discomfort that helps them lead healthier, more active lives.

A Message from Dr. Sicat

Within this site, you will find all types of information about Callingwood Chiropractic Centre. Information about our office and services, chiropractic, sports injury rehabilitation, back and neck pain, work and auto injuries, Massage Therapy and much, much more. Callingwood Chiropractic Centre is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment that promotes health. We take pride in treating our patients like family and we will go out of our way to make your visit a comfortable and pleasant experience. As a Health Professional, I have been given a wonderful privilege of contributing natural healthcare to people`s lives on a daily basis.

The examination of the spine and body to evaluate structure and function is what makes chiropractic different from other healthcare procedures. Your spinal column is composed of a series of movable bones, which begin at the base of your skull and end in the center of your hips. Thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves extend down the spine from the brain and exit through a series of openings in the spinal column. The nerves exit the spine and form a complicated network, which influences every living tissue in your body.

Accidents, falls, stress, tension, overexertion, bad posture, and countless other factors can result in displacements or derangements of the spinal column, causing irritation to spinal nerve roots. These irritations are often what cause malfunctions in the human body to create symptoms like chronic pain, headaches, tension, etc.

As your Health Professional, my job is to fix the cause of pain within your body, so that the symptoms of pain will go away, and to teach my patients how to reduce or eliminate these irritations to the spinal nerves so you can live more effective and pain-free lives.

As a Sports doctor, it is very common for active individuals to injure, many different joints of the body. It is my job to rehabilitate your knees, ankles, shoulders, etc., to the best of my ability and refer to other experts to return you to your maximal health as soon as possible.

Make an appointment today. Have you and your family checked for spinal abnormalities as early as possible.

Our office has standing appointments for new patients.

I hope to welcome you to my practice soon.

Best wishes,

Dr. Rodel C. Sicat

Chiropractic, massage, and physio: to bring our clients a better state of wellness.

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